Throughout the history of how Cognos BI tools, including BI Server, Framework Manager, Transformer, Report Studio and many other power BI related tools, IBM Cognos has delivered excellence and reliability to their customers.

Recently the focus of Business Intelligence has been shifting from top of business to bottom. Therefore, IBM Cognos Analytics can now support both users and IT professional and developers alike with the recent release of v11 which is better known as IBM Cognos Analytics.

This new technology, unlike its predecessors, can support user level Self-Service and Intent Driven reporting which allows business users to peek into available reporting data without relying or waiting on the IT department to make the data available through development cycles,  which can increase productivity levels when data reporting and analysis cannot wait to be addressed.

With mobile devices taking a vital role in our daily lives, they do likewise in the business daily life. Cognos mobile services is an important part of the BI array of products than can make accessing analytical reports, dashboards and distributed content easy for the decision makers.

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